Online CPD
CPD – Windows And Doors – Designing For Energy Efficiency
CPD – AWS – Windows And Doors – Designing For Energy Efficiency We are thrilled to have Arnal Shyam, an esteemed Specification Consultant from Architectural Window Systems (AWS), guide us through the essentials of designing with energy-efficient windows and doors. This CPD will cover critical aspects such as: U-values: Understanding thermal performance and its impact on energy READ MORE
$0.00 – $55.00
BuyCPD – Low Energy: High Performance Homes
CPD – Low Energy: High Performance Homes Have you been a bit cold lately? Had the heater running most of the day and night to keep warm? This is the case for most Australians in winter and that indoor heated air is often loaded with mould causing moisture and, in the case of wood or READ MORE
$44.00 – $55.00
BuyCPD + Workshop – Marketing Everything Everywhere all at Once!
CPD + Workshop – Marketing Everything Everywhere all at Once! “My influencer friend told me I needed to be on TikTok”, “Oh, mine told me I needed to be on every platform” “oh, well if I’m on Insta, then I need to post 3 times a day!” “Plus stories” “What’s a story?” “” “Also READ MORE
$61.00 – $83.00
BuyCPD – Devilish Details
CPD – Devilish Details We all know the devil is in the detail – the more unique and unusual we want our architecture to be, the more detail we are required to provide. But some of us are … big picture thinkers, and even thinking about details sends us into our procrastination caves, while others READ MORE
$44.00 – $55.00
BuyCPD – James Hardie Webinar – Build Your Modern Life with the James Hardie Modern Homes Forecast 2024
CPD – James Hardie Webinar – Build Your Modern Life with the James Hardie Modern Homes Forecast 2024. At James Hardie we’re driven by a desire to build a better future for all by understanding how people want to live. Through an extensive research piece combining advanced AI-driven technology, desktop research and interviews with architects, READ MORE
$0.00 – $55.00
BuyCPD – Demystifying Specifications
CPD – Demystifying Specifications We are all told that a good specification is an important part of project documentation – but how much do we really need to know to do one effectively? Specifications can be time consuming, highly technical and well… just a bit scary. There is also the perception that no one ever reads READ MORE
$44.00 – $55.00
BuyCPD – Expanded Practice
CPD – Expanded Practice Diversity in Architectural Practice. Interested in diversifying your practice away from the standard model of architecture? Hear about the journeys of architects who have taken their skills and knowledge as an architect and applied them to other fields and learn about what they found they had to offer that field. How READ MORE
$44.00 – $55.00
BuyCPD+ Workshop – HR & Employment for Small Practice
CPD+ Workshop – HR & Employment for Small Practice Setting up your practice is one thing, but at what point do you need to hire staff and who do you need to run a business well? What do you need to have in place to legally hire and manage staff effectively? This workshop will provide READ MORE
$61.00 – $83.00
BuyCPD – ArchiTeam Compulsory Insurance Session (2023)
CPD – ArchiTeam Compulsory Insurance Session (2023) ArchiTeam Insurance members of 2023-24 policy are encouraged to attend this compulsory insurance seminar. It provides insight into the ArchiTeam Group Policy and what day to day operations of your practice can impact your insurance cover. Presenters Greg Hansen, Director AusBrokers Countrywide Vincent Rizzuto, Broker AusBrokers Countrywide AACA READ MORE
Buy2023 ArchiTeam Conference – Modes (Part 3/3)
CPD – ArchiTeam 2023 Conference – Modes (Part 3/3) The 2023 ArchiTeam Conference – Ways of Working – Strength in small Practice – is an action-packed hybrid conference with satellite events to help us connect and share. Exploring the strength in small practice with a focus on Ways of Working, investigating the critical role that READ MORE
$47.00 – $57.00
Buy2023 ArchiTeam Conference – Detail (Part 2/3)
CPD – ArchiTeam 2023 Conference – Detail (Part 2/3) The 2023 ArchiTeam Conference – Ways of Working – Strength in small Practice – is an action-packed hybrid conference with satellite events to help us connect and share. Exploring the strength in small practice with a focus on Ways of Working, investigating the critical role that READ MORE
$47.00 – $57.00
Buy2023 ArchiTeam Conference – Teamwork (Part 1/3)
CPD – ArchiTeam 2023 Conference – Teamwork (Part 1/3) The 2023 ArchiTeam Conference – Ways of Working – Strength in small Practice – is an action-packed hybrid conference with satellite events to help us connect and share. Exploring the strength in small practice with a focus on Ways of Working, investigating the critical role that READ MORE
$47.00 – $57.00
BuyCPD – Risks of Managing Cost Plus Contracts
CPD – Risks of Managing Cost Plus Contracts In a ‘post-pandemic’ world of inflation and cost escalation challenges, our members are reporting builders are increasingly hesitant to sign traditional fixed price contracts and are instead looking to Cost Plus formats, to mitigate cost escalation risks. Cost Plus contracts have traditionally been used for projects with READ MORE
$44.00 – $55.00
BuyCPD – Town Planning: Navigating the System (2023)
CPD – Town Planning: Navigating the System (2023) The town planning system is often one of the primary frustrations for the architectural profession, but by forming a better understanding of the decisions and framework behind them, we can navigate the process to find better and speedier resolutions for our clients. But where to start? The READ MORE
$44.00 – $55.00
BuyCPD – ArchiTeam x Frater: Preparing for the new NCC 2022 Requirements
CPD – ArchiTeam x Frater: Preparing for the new NCC 2022 Requirements This presentation is all about what to expect when the fast-approaching NCC 2022 changes come into effect. What does achieving 7 stars look like? How do I do it without breaking the bank? And how will Whole of Home assessments work? Jacob Edwards READ MORE
BuyCPD+ Workshop – Branding & Copywriting
CPD+ Workshop – Branding & Copywriting Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room… Or so Jeff Bezos says… so what does your architectural practice’s brand saying about you? Your brand is a story unfolding across all your client’s touch points. Branding is the art of aligning what READ MORE
$61.00 – $83.00
BuyCPD – Developing a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) for Small Practice
27 May to 3 June is National Reconciliation Week. The National Reconciliation Week 2022 theme, “Be Brave. Make Change.” Is a challenge to all Australians to Be Brave and tackle the unfinished business of reconciliation. What is reconciliation? At its heart, reconciliation is about strengthening relationships between Aboriginal and Torres strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous READ MORE
$44.00 – $55.00
BuyCPD – Growing your Small Practice
CPD – Growing your Small Practice Are you struggling under the workload and feel the need to grow your practice, but don’t know how? We take a walk through the journey from sole practitioner to small practice owner and beyond… Firstly let’s identify the why? Why do you need to grow? What is your goal? READ MORE
$44.00 – $55.00
BuyCPD – Partial Services & Copyright
CPD – Partial Services & Copyright In an ideal world we may all like to be engaged for ‘full architectural services’ for each-and-every project we’re involved with, but the reality of contemporary practice is that sometimes we just need to be a bit flexible in the services we offer. Many believe that varied modes of READ MORE
$44.00 – $55.00
BuyCPD – Small Practice Documentation
Small practice documentation and efficiency What are the expectations for architecture documentation? How and Why do we document architecture? And does the process change, depending on audience? Drawings, specifications, and schedules are used for calling tenders, negotiating prices with builders, obtaining permits, and throughout the construction process. If documentation is used for different purposes and by different READ MORE
$44.00 – $55.00
BuyCPD – Performance Solutions
There has been an increased requirement for Performance Solutions following the introduction of the NCC 2019 Amendment 1 in July 2021. This has created more work for Architects with additional documentation or coordination of specialist consultants required. Professional forums have lit up with questions: When should we expect to need a performance solution? How much READ MORE
$44.00 – $55.00
BuyCPD – Partnerships & Collaborations
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” (Helen Keller) Do you occasionally jump off the treadmill of practice life (and deadlines) and wonder if there is a different way to deliver projects? Or how you could broaden the kind of work you do? Or wonder if you are beginning to be READ MORE
$44.00 – $55.00
BuyCPD – Updated WH&S Kit
The ArchiTeam Work Health & Safety (WHS) Kit has been reviewed and redone to provide members a tool to use within your practices and to provide the supplementary information needed to submit for preferred suppliers lists and tender/RFI submissions to councils and government. The WHS Kit can also be used to express a practices’ health and safety READ MORE
BuyCPD – Client Management
Client Management: Behind every great project, is a great client… Or so the saying goes. And it might be a bit of a cliché, but it is true. But what is less often talked about is that behind any great client, is a great client-architect relationship, and great client management. Client Management is key to READ MORE
$44.00 – $55.00
BuyArchiTeam Compulsory Insurance Seminar (2021)
ArchiTeam Insurance members of 2021 – 2022 policy are encouraged to attend this compulsory insurance seminar. It provides insight into the ArchiTeam Group Policy and what day to day operations of your practice can impact your insurance cover. Please note this seminar is compulsory for all directors listed on the insurance policy. ArchiTeam will be READ MORE
BuyCPD+ Workshop – Cost Planning
CPD – Cost Planning: Where to Start? Cost Planning is one of the fundamental elements throughout the design and the delivery of a project. It can determine its success, as well as the client’s satisfaction. On the other hand, it can impact initial feasibility and on occasion strain client relationships along the way. Managing the READ MORE
$61.00 – $83.00
BuyCPD – Condensation
When discussing the problem of condensation in Australia, most of the focus has been on walls, but one part of the building where condensation issues have been most evident is in the roof space. The increased emphasis on energy efficiency, has led to a subsequent increase in roof space condensation, which inevitably creates problems on READ MORE
$44.00 – $55.00
BuyCPD – ArchiTeam 2021 Conference – Design Futures – Part 1/4
CPD – ARCHITEAM CONFERENCE – DESIGN FUTURES Architecture by its very nature must take a position on the future. The very act of design is entirely about conceiving future space and the human interactions with that space. What design assumptions do architects need to rethink in the aftermath of a global pandemic? Key to this rethink READ MORE
$47.00 – $57.00
BuyCPD – ArchiTeam 2021 Conference – Trajectories – Part 4/4
CPD – ARCHITEAM CONFERENCE – TRAJECTORIES Putting all these perspectives together, what are the future trajectories architects should be designing towards? How can architects position align leadership, business strategy, collaboration and disruptive innovation to achieve positive outcomes in a world that looks very different compared to the last 5 years. Speakers Keynote – Jeremy Till READ MORE
$47.00 – $57.00
BuyCPD – ArchiTeam 2021 Conference – Business Futures – Part 3/4
CPD – ARCHITEAM CONFERENCE – BUSINESS FUTURES With change comes opportunity. The business futures perspective will look to unpack what these opportunities might be. It will draw upon business acumen from beyond the architecture profession to question our business practices and challenge our status quo. Should architect be looking to expand their service offering, or perhaps READ MORE
$47.00 – $57.00
BuyCPD – ArchiTeam 2021 Conference – Practice Futures – Part 2/4
CPD – ARCHITEAM CONFERENCE – PRACTICE FUTURES It was not that long ago that professions were considered a constant. Yet in the age of rapid disruption, it has never been more important for architectural practice to adapt and evolve. What are the trajectories of architectural practice that will enable us to imagine, design and deliver the READ MORE
$47.00 – $57.00
BuyCPD – Mental Health & Design for Wellbeing
CPD – MENTAL HEALTH & DESIGN FOR WELLBEING COVID-19 has visibly impacted how we view our world – from witnessing empty cities to ghostly airports. What is less visible but has really emerged into the forefront of the public’s consciousness is the impact that Mental Health plays in our overall sense of Well-being. Lockdowns have also READ MORE
$2.00 – $55.00
BuyCPD – Software: What do you advocate for?
Software – What do you advocate for? Architects have come a long way from manual drafting, hand sketch perspectives for presentation and pencil in weekly planners. The advancement of technology and accessibility of devices have transformed how we design, document, communicate and manage our practices, promoting efficiency, clarity, accuracy and streamlining. With so many different READ MORE
$44.00 – $55.00
BuyCPD+ Workshop – Going Carbon Neutral
Take your Practice to 100% Carbon Neutral As a key part of the construction industry, Architects cannot shy away from the fact that our projects are a BIG source of carbon emissions. Together, building and construction are responsible for 39% of all carbon emissions in the world (1) – with operational emissions (from energy used READ MORE
$61.00 – $83.00
BuyCPD – Design for a Burning Environment
CPD Design for a Burning Environment During the recent catastrophic fires along the eastern coast, everyone had an opinion – but how do these changes in climate and the environment be addressed? How do we design more resilient buildings and landscapes? How do we Design for a Burning Environment? Design for a Burning Environment is READ MORE
$44.00 – $55.00
BuyCPD + Workshop: Business Strategy
CPD+ Workshop – Business Strategy What does your ‘ideal architecture practice’ look like to you? Have you put a strategy in place to set you on a path to achieve your ideal practice? As Benjamin Franklin once said, “If you fail to plan you are planning to fail”. No matter what your practice goals, without READ MORE
$44.00 – $55.00
BuyCPD: Working from home hacks
CPD Working From Home Hacks: How to make it work for you Work from Home (WFH) has been a whole new frontier for many of us in recent months. Whilst there are silver linings too, it has also been a real hurdle (for those with staff and/or children to juggle) for others. Some of us READ MORE
$44.00 – $55.00
BuyCPD+ Workshop – Marketing: Boost Your Business Through Covid and Beyond
CPD+ Workshop – Marketing: Boost Your Business Through Covid and Beyond Marketing For Architects. There are many ways to Market your practice, but which approach will reap the most rewarding results, particularly during these unprecedented times? Whether you are looking to find new work, win better work, find quality clients or push your practice to READ MORE
$61.00 – $83.00
BuyStimulus Packages & You
The Coronavirus pandemic has unleashed chaos and destruction on both lives and livelihoods. The Australian Federal and State Governments, like so many others around the world, have stepped up to the plate to create special Stimulus packages to provide targeted relief to businesses. Given the urgent and rushed nature of the announcements (some of which have READ MORE
$44.00 – $55.00
BuyScope Creep
Buildings and the processes we use to design them are both incredibly complex and susceptible to blowouts. We all know that managing scope creep is a difficult challenge, but what tools and insights are there to help us keep our fees and our clients’ budgets in check? In this CPD, we will explore ways to READ MORE
$44.00 – $55.00