2Formal points
Design Delivery and Construction Phase Services

CPD – Small Practice Documentation

2Formal points
Design Delivery and Construction Phase Services

Small practice documentation and efficiency

What are the expectations for architecture documentation?

How and Why do we document architecture? And does the process change, depending on audience?

Drawings, specifications, and schedules are used for calling tenders, negotiating prices with builders, obtaining permits, and throughout the construction process. If documentation is used for different purposes and by different stakeholders, how can we ensure we are effectively communicating the design requirements and the expected outcome to these various audiences?

As architects, we are always striving to balance accuracy and compliance with efficiency. But can we recognise and not step over the line of over-documenting? At the same time how do we achieve the completeness required to translate our vision into a package that is useful to builders?

In this CPD we will be discussing these matters with both architects and builders. We will hear what builders are looking for in a successful documentation package, along with tips for preparing documentation that can be easily read and understood, is comprehensive yet relevant and what aids (and possibly what hinders) achieving the desired built outcome.

Architects will discuss how they have adjusted their approach to documentation to suit various design and delivery modes. They will discuss how through their experience, they are tackling the goal of documenting effectively and remaining within the line of profitability.

Some strategies will be presented and discussed by the panel, to provide a support to both emerging architects and offer an opportunity to the more experienced architects for self-assessment and fine tuning the best approach.


Learning Outcomes:

  • How to strike the right balance between accuracy of communication, compliance and efficiency / profitability
  • How to adjust documentation to suit project type and delivery mode
  • Opportunities for innovation to improve efficiency and avoid potential pitfalls

AACA competencies (2021-NSCA)

Detailed Design and Construction Documentation – This unit of competency encompasses the process of developing the design through research, detailed assessment of options and the integration of technical solutions, value and cost control processes to maintain or enhance the design intent. The final design proposal is cohesive, fully described and resolved to achieve value and cost objectives, and compliance with planning controls and construction codes.

