Victorian CPD Information

ArchiTeam, Australian Institute of Architects and ARBV held an information night regarding the architects CPD requirements in Victoria on 1st February 2016.

The Architects Regulations 2015 came into operation in May 2015. These regulations specify that architects must comply with the Victorian Architect’s Code of Professional Conduct (the Code). Clause 2 (1) of the code of conduct states that all registered architects“….. in charge of a client’s project must –

(a) have suitable skills and experience to be in charge of the project; and
(b) maintain a thorough knowledge of the architectural services to be provided and of matters relating to the performance of those services”

The code of conduct is available here.

A summary of the topics covered includes:

  • The wording of the act is exactly the same as that in NSW and Queensland.
  • It is mandatory for all registered architects to comply with the Code of Conduct.
  • The ARBV has endorsed the National model of CPD, as compliant with the Code.
  • This model requires obtaining a total of 20 CPD points per year, comprising 10 formal points, and 10 informal points.   The ARBV encourages all architects to obtain these CPD points.
  • You do have the option of following your own CPD plan if you wish. If you do this you should write your learning plan at the start of the annual cycle (July- July). Your plan should include what are going to do and your anticipated learning outcomes. If you have any questions about this please contact the ARBV to discuss your plan. If you follow the national model of CPD (attending informal and formal CPD sessions) you do not have to write your own plan.
  • If you end up in front of a tribunal panel one of the first things that will be investigated is whether you have complied with the Code. Possible tribunals that Architects may face include the ARBV, VCAT and AIA.
  • Regardless of whether you follow the national model of CPD or devise your own learning plan, you are required to keep clear records.
  • Architects are encouraged to log in to the ARBV website to log their CPD points. Note that prospective clients can check the registration details of an architect. The ARBV website will indicate whether or not the architect is CPD compliant.
  • You do not have to fill out your CPD compliance on the ARBV register but you do not have the option to opt out of having your CPD compliance shown on the register. This is there for consumer protection.
  • The ARBV will not be endorsing or accrediting CPD providers.

In summary, if you are working as an architect in Victoria you have two options to comply with the Code of Conduct:

  1. A) you can follow the National Model of CPD and acquire 10 Formal and 10 Informal points annually or
  2. B) You can devise your own annual structured learning plan.  If you choose to do this, we recommend you discuss your plan with the ARBV to ensure that you are complying with the Code.

If you have any questions please contact the ARBV or