2Formal points
Design Delivery and Construction Phase Services
Detailed Design and Construction Documentation

Is Safety My Concern?

2Formal points
Design Delivery and Construction Phase Services, Detailed Design and Construction Documentation

Safety is one of the biggest factors on a project site.  It is always on a construction teams mind. So, as an architect- is safety your concern?  Listen to Dr Gerard Ayers, a construction safety expert talk about the ways in which an architect can plan and incorporate measures to ensure a safe and responsible outcome.  Hear some case studies and understand the stark consequences of poor planning.  Safety is not only your concern, it is also your responsibility.


Dr Gerard Ayers – CFMEU

AACA COMPETENCY: Project Management, Documentation


  • Understand your responsibility as an architect towards the safe delivery of a project
  • Analyse your project in order to minimise risk
  • Learn about incorporating safety in your planning element

POINTS: 2 Formal CPD points

The information discussed in this recording is intended to be a general guide only. The information is not intended to constitute professional or legal advice, and you should rely on your own enquiries and assessment.

ArchiTeam Cooperative expressly disclaims any and all liability for any loss or damage arising from reliance upon any information in this recording.

