Project Initiation and Conceptual Design

This unit of competency encompasses the intelligent, creative, iterative and culturally responsive processes of initiating a project and the early stages of design. This involves research, analysis and the exploration of approaches, design ideas and alternative solutions. It leads to a design concept that meets the client’s brief, respects Country and is capable of compliance with planning controls and construction codes.


Online CPD

2Formal points

CPD – Expanded Practice

CPD – Expanded Practice Diversity in Architectural Practice. Interested in diversifying your practice away from the standard model of architecture? Hear about the journeys of architects who have taken their skills and knowledge as an architect and applied them to other fields and learn about what they found they had to offer that field. How READ MORE


Practice Management and Professional Conduct
Project Initiation and Conceptual Design
3Formal points

2023 ArchiTeam Conference – Modes (Part 3/3)

CPD – ArchiTeam 2023 Conference – Modes (Part 3/3) The 2023 ArchiTeam Conference – Ways of Working – Strength in small Practice – is an action-packed hybrid conference with satellite events to help us connect and share. Exploring the strength in small practice with a focus on Ways of Working, investigating the critical role that READ MORE


Design Delivery and Construction Phase Services
Detailed Design and Construction Documentation
Practice Management and Professional Conduct
Project Initiation and Conceptual Design
3Formal points

2023 ArchiTeam Conference – Detail (Part 2/3)

CPD – ArchiTeam 2023 Conference – Detail (Part 2/3) The 2023 ArchiTeam Conference – Ways of Working – Strength in small Practice – is an action-packed hybrid conference with satellite events to help us connect and share. Exploring the strength in small practice with a focus on Ways of Working, investigating the critical role that READ MORE


Design Delivery and Construction Phase Services
Detailed Design and Construction Documentation
Practice Management and Professional Conduct
Project Initiation and Conceptual Design
3Formal points

2023 ArchiTeam Conference – Teamwork (Part 1/3)

CPD – ArchiTeam 2023 Conference – Teamwork (Part 1/3) The 2023 ArchiTeam Conference – Ways of Working – Strength in small Practice – is an action-packed hybrid conference with satellite events to help us connect and share. Exploring the strength in small practice with a focus on Ways of Working, investigating the critical role that READ MORE


Design Delivery and Construction Phase Services
Detailed Design and Construction Documentation
Practice Management and Professional Conduct
Project Initiation and Conceptual Design
2Formal points

CPD – Town Planning: Navigating the System (2023)

CPD – Town Planning: Navigating the System (2023) The town planning system is often one of the primary frustrations for the architectural profession, but by forming a better understanding of the decisions and framework behind them, we can navigate the process to find better and speedier resolutions for our clients. But where to start? The READ MORE


Practice Management and Professional Conduct
Project Initiation and Conceptual Design
3Formal points

CPD+ Workshop – Cost Planning

CPD – Cost Planning: Where to Start? Cost Planning is one of the fundamental elements throughout the design and the delivery of a project. It can determine its success, as well as the client’s satisfaction. On the other hand, it can impact initial feasibility and on occasion strain client relationships along the way. Managing the READ MORE


Design Delivery and Construction Phase Services
Project Initiation and Conceptual Design
2Formal points

CPD – Condensation

When discussing the problem of condensation in Australia, most of the focus has been on walls, but one part of the building where condensation issues have been most evident is in the roof space. The increased emphasis on energy efficiency, has led to a subsequent increase in roof space condensation, which inevitably creates problems on READ MORE


Detailed Design and Construction Documentation
Project Initiation and Conceptual Design
2Formal points

CPD – ArchiTeam 2021 Conference – Design Futures – Part 1/4

CPD – ARCHITEAM CONFERENCE – DESIGN FUTURES Architecture by its very nature must take a position on the future. The very act of design is entirely about conceiving future space and the human interactions with that space. What design assumptions do architects need to rethink in the aftermath of a global pandemic? Key to this rethink READ MORE


Design Delivery and Construction Phase Services
Detailed Design and Construction Documentation
Practice Management and Professional Conduct
Project Initiation and Conceptual Design
2Formal points

CPD – ArchiTeam 2021 Conference – Trajectories – Part 4/4

CPD – ARCHITEAM CONFERENCE – TRAJECTORIES Putting all these perspectives together, what are the future trajectories architects should be designing towards? How can architects position align leadership, business strategy, collaboration and disruptive innovation to achieve positive outcomes in a world that looks very different compared to the last 5 years.   Speakers Keynote – Jeremy Till READ MORE


Design Delivery and Construction Phase Services
Detailed Design and Construction Documentation
Practice Management and Professional Conduct
Project Initiation and Conceptual Design
2Formal points

CPD – ArchiTeam 2021 Conference – Business Futures – Part 3/4

CPD – ARCHITEAM CONFERENCE – BUSINESS FUTURES With change comes opportunity. The business futures perspective will look to unpack what these opportunities might be. It will draw upon business acumen from beyond the architecture profession to question our business practices and challenge our status quo. Should architect be looking to expand their service offering, or perhaps READ MORE


Design Delivery and Construction Phase Services
Detailed Design and Construction Documentation
Practice Management and Professional Conduct
Project Initiation and Conceptual Design
2Formal points

CPD – ArchiTeam 2021 Conference – Practice Futures – Part 2/4

CPD – ARCHITEAM CONFERENCE – PRACTICE FUTURES It was not that long ago that professions were considered a constant. Yet in the age of rapid disruption, it has never been more important for architectural practice to adapt and evolve. What are the trajectories of architectural practice that will enable us to imagine, design and deliver the READ MORE


Design Delivery and Construction Phase Services
Detailed Design and Construction Documentation
Practice Management and Professional Conduct
Project Initiation and Conceptual Design
2Formal points

CPD – Mental Health & Design for Wellbeing

CPD – MENTAL HEALTH & DESIGN FOR WELLBEING COVID-19 has visibly impacted how we view our world – from witnessing empty cities to ghostly airports. What is less visible but has really emerged into the forefront of the public’s consciousness is the impact that Mental Health plays in our overall sense of Well-being. Lockdowns have also READ MORE


Practice Management and Professional Conduct
Project Initiation and Conceptual Design
2Formal points

CPD – Design for a Burning Environment

CPD Design for a Burning Environment During the recent catastrophic fires along the eastern coast, everyone had an opinion – but how do these changes in climate and the environment be addressed? How do we design more resilient buildings and landscapes? How do we Design for a Burning Environment? Design for a Burning Environment is READ MORE


Project Initiation and Conceptual Design
2Formal points

Making A Living Conference – Resilient business and the future (Part 4)

Making A Living, brought to you by ArchiTeam, brings together a broad range of professionals representing a range of disciplines from Australia and abroad. This conference shares insights from architects and allied professionals leveraging entrepreneurship, business strategy, collaboration and disruptive innovation to achieve positive outcomes. Part 4 Living: Resilient business and the future How can READ MORE


Practice Management and Professional Conduct
Project Initiation and Conceptual Design
2Formal points

Making A Living Conference – Defining and achieving success (Part 3)

Making A Living, brought to you by ArchiTeam, brings together a broad range of professionals representing a range of disciplines from Australia and abroad. This conference shares insights from architects and allied professionals leveraging entrepreneurship, business strategy, collaboration and disruptive innovation to achieve positive outcomes. Part 3 Living: Defining and achieving success How can architects READ MORE


Practice Management and Professional Conduct
Project Initiation and Conceptual Design
2Formal points

Making A Living Conference – Design value and knowledge (Part 1)

Making A Living, brought to you by ArchiTeam, brings together a broad range of professionals representing a range of disciplines from Australia and abroad. This conference shares insights from architects and allied professionals leveraging entrepreneurship, business strategy, collaboration and disruptive innovation to achieve positive outcomes. Part 1 Making: Design value and knowledge How can architects READ MORE


Practice Management and Professional Conduct
Project Initiation and Conceptual Design

BowerBird Webinar – “How to prepare your ArchiTeam Awards entry for the media”

How to prepare your ArchiTeam Awards entry for the media. Webinar presented by BowerBird. Having trouble preparing your ArchiTeam Awards Entry? Want to get the most out of your entry? Tune into the Webinar “How to prepare your ArchiTeam Awards entry for the media” to learn how to write a better submission and how to READ MORE


Detailed Design and Construction Documentation
Project Initiation and Conceptual Design
2Formal points

Building Skins

Join us for this exciting CPD in which we explore new advances a variety of cladding materials from timber cladding, including shou sugi ban to aluminum cladding systems and their construction, manufacturing techniques, finishes, fire ratings and treatments. In depth knowledge on their practical applications will also be shared. PRESENTERS: Dr. Jontahn Barnett, an internationally READ MORE


Project Initiation and Conceptual Design
1Formal points

The Importance of ESD

Listen to Belinda Strickland (Professional Development and Policy Coordinator for the AIA) and Noy Hildebrand (Sustainable Design Consultant and Architect) discuss the ever growing topic of Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) and how an architect’s designs can incorporate ESD. This talk will provide an insightful overview of buildings and energy covering current, as well as the READ MORE


Design Delivery and Construction Phase Services
Project Initiation and Conceptual Design